Sunday, November 29, 2015

The journey to Self

Each moment, we keep adding experiences to our life. Have you wondered, who is the one experiencing it? If 'I' am changing all along, who is the one experiencing it all. Or is it that 'I' am nothing but the sum of the experiences...? Ancient Vedas and current spirituality say that we are born and reborn to this Earth until we realize our true inner-self. Now the question arises, how to go about it. Meditation is one sure way to calm the mind and delve deeper into the state and condition one is at the moment. Deep meditations can lead to higher revelations about the self and the memory of its original existence.
I practice Heartfulness meditation, which is a heart-based system of meditation. It lets me take a dip in me every time I meditate. It helps me connect to my inner being better and gives purpose to my life. I see it as an unwinding process where I become purer and lighter, ever converging to the original existence.