Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Driving Force

There is a driving force in our lives... something that keeps each and every one of us going. All our decisions are based on some basic principles of life.But this force is different for everybody, that is why we see people with vivid ideologies and ambitions. Despite this, I believe that the essence of the very human existence remains the same. Some where deep inside we all are the same. The ultimate internal energy in each one of us has the same 'alma mater'. The origin is the same. Your inner self does crave for an abode where there can be eternal happiness.
This driving force guides us in our various deeds. Though we may say that at each step in our lives we are making our own decisions and are following a path that we ourselves have chosen. This is how the subtle nature of the force goes. And I can bet that each of us has realised the power of this force at some point of life. When things go out of your reach and you feel that there is something which is beyond the physical level of human existence.


Ridhi said...

Welcome To the world of blogging dear...

I strongly believe that there is a driving force of the entire universe....that keeps everything going...its the same force that shows us the hard days...and gives us the courage to fight them out..and the realisation that "Yes We can do it~"

Thats precisely what spirituality is.there are some people who donot believe in this concept(
No offences meant!) but have seen many people accepting this sooner or later...Even i was pretty jinxed about it till some time...And now i have accepted it and realised it!

Mayank said...

goood! very thought provoking, and very close to reality, i must say. looking forward to more of such mind-bogglers from u.

Anonymous said...

yes..very thought-provoking indeed..and this has got nothing to do with the WC ;) but a little smthing is provoking me to add..."the hands of God.." guided by fate ?

simplYme said...

to moonlight:
ya...its something like that.

kayal said...

The question of driving force is very critical. Because when i say there was some driving force behind something, than the basic sense of freedom is lost....
I depend on things, on driving forces which inspire me to make my choices and thus i don't have the freedom to make a choice .. and it could be concluded as "we don't make choices, we are born with them."