Tuesday, June 06, 2006

my first post

hello all....this is my first post.
Well I have created my blog to let out very special thoughts...those related to ones final goal. Life as it goes on makes us mature, through various ups and downs, rises and falls. It just keeps on going and we human-beings keep on accumulating some sort of impressions from them. We do enjoy pondering over the good times we have had and also keep on thinking how the things can be made better and secure in the coming future. Some times one stops and wonders as to what is the ultimate aim of life. Is it achieving the idealities? Or Is it just travelling through the adventurous journey called life, taking whatever comes across in the best possible manner. The answers to these questions (and many others of this kind) come from within, a sort of self realisation. The answers that can satisfy you cannot be the ones that are enforced by someone else... they have to come from within. This what I call as knowing your self.
this is all for the while ... will continue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

welcome to blogger...and hope to see many more to come!